Kitchen & Bath Learning Center

Welcome to our Learning Center, your trusted resource for all your home remodeling questions! Whether you're wondering about the timeline for planning a kitchen remodel, the design decisions involved in a bathroom remodel, or the costs associated with these projects, we’ve got you covered! 

Our expert articles dive into essential topics like selecting the best water filter system for your kitchen remodel, understanding the difference between a bathroom renovation and a remodel, and finding the right remodeling contractor for your project. We also offer insights on choosing the best building materials and tips for living in your home during a kitchen or bathroom remodel. Explore our comprehensive guides to make informed decisions and turn your dream home in the New Hampshire Seacoast or Southern Maine into a reality!

Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Should I hire my contractor friend to remodel my house?

It’s an idea many of us toy with—hiring a friend to take on a remodeling project. You trust them, they know your style, and there’s that unspoken hope they’ll “hook you up” with a better price or faster service. It sounds like a win-win, right?

But then you start to wonder—what if something goes wrong? Could it ruin the relationship?

Remodeling is a big deal. It requires time, money, and, often, patience. The real question you need to ask yourself is: Do you want to mix those high stakes with a personal relationship? Because when things get tough—and they almost always do in remodeling—it could affect your friendship in ways you didn’t expect.

So, before you jump in, let’s take a moment to weigh the risks and rewards of mixing business with friendship—so you can decide if hiring a friend makes sense for you. 

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

What happens if there’s a warranty issue after my remodel?

When you invest in a home remodel, especially for high-use areas like your kitchen or bathroom, you want to feel confident that everything will hold up for years. But what if something goes wrong? Maybe a cabinet door doesn’t close properly, or an appliance stops working. How do you handle it?

Don’t worry—you're not alone in wondering about warranty issues after a remodel. Whether it's a product failure or poor workmanship, understanding how warranties work and what to expect can ease your concerns.

Let’s walk through the most common questions homeowners ask about warranties and how to deal with them.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

My contractor wants to use subcontractors for my remodel: Should I be worried?

When you’re planning a home remodel, it can be tough to find a contractor you feel confident trusting with your project. But once you find that contractor, how can you be sure they won’t hire a subcontractor who isn’t as trustworthy? 

You’ve likely heard horror stories about subcontractors not showing up on time, making mistakes, or cutting corners. So, how can you make sure this doesn’t happen to you?

Your home is a big deal, and you want everything done right. What happens when your contractor brings in subcontractors? Will they communicate with you? Will they be held to the same standards? How do you know they’re qualified and reliable?

In this article, we’ll answer the most common questions homeowners have about subcontractors and their role in the remodeling process. By the end, you’ll feel more confident about what to expect and how to avoid potential headaches.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

I hired a contractor and paid a deposit—Now what? | Working with contractors in the New Hampshire Seacoast

You’ve probably heard the horror stories—homeowners hiring contractors, paying a deposit, and then… nothing. No updates, no communication. Days turn into weeks, and doubt starts to creep in. Did I just get ghosted? Will this contractor show up on the start date? Or worse, will they disappear forever and never be heard from again? It’s a scary thought, especially when you’ve trusted someone with your home and hard-earned money.

If you’re worried about this happening to you, you’re not alone. Many homeowners share these concerns after hiring a contractor and paying that first deposit. But the truth is, a reputable contractor will keep you informed throughout the process.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the typical process and help you understand how a professional contractor should handle communication, timelines, and project updates, so you can feel confident in your remodel.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

I got three quotes for my remodel—how do I even begin to compare them?

If you’re planning a home renovation in the New Hampshire seacoast region, you’ve probably heard advice like, “Always get three quotes for your project. Don’t hire the cheapest, don’t hire the most expensive—go with the middle one.” At first glance, this sounds like solid advice, but as you’ve likely experienced, comparing quotes is anything but straightforward.

Does this sound familiar? You reached out to several contractors—maybe 6 or 7—4 or 5 of them came to your home, and now you’ve got three different quotes. Great! All you have to do is choose the middle one, right?

But there’s a problem. Each quote is formatted differently, with varying levels of detail and wildly different price points. Now you’re left scratching your head. How are you supposed to make sense of this? How do you know if you’re comparing apples to apples? Why does this have to be so complicated?

In this article, we’ll answer your most pressing questions about the quoting process, help you understand what to look for, and give you the tools you need to make an informed decision. By the end, you’ll feel confident choosing the right contractor for your home renovation in NH.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Hiring a contractor in NH: What you need to know about working with multiple contractors

There are a lot of reasons why a homeowner might want to hire different contractors to work on their projects simultaneously. Maybe one contractor had the best price for your kitchen remodel, and another had a better price for the bathroom renovation. Or perhaps you really like your electrician and would like them to rewire your home while a general contractor handles the rest of the project.

In this article, we’ll explore the details of hiring multiple contractors, weighing the pros and cons, so you can decide if this approach is right for your project!

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Is it better to add an addition or remodel my current home?

Deciding whether to add on to your home or work within your existing space through remodeling can feel overwhelming. Have you been wondering:

  • Should I add on to my home or remodel the existing space?

  • What are the pros and cons of home additions vs. remodeling?

  • How much does a home addition cost compared to remodeling?

  • Will a home addition increase my property value?

  • Is it cheaper to remodel or add on to a house?

  • How do I decide if my home has enough space to remodel?

We’ll answer all of these and more questions to help you make the best decision for your home!

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Why are some contractors more expensive than others?

Have you ever wondered why some contractors are more expensive than others? Why might one contractor quote $30,000 for a remodeling project, while another will charge $50,000 for the same job? Is the pricier contractor overcharging? Is the cheaper one cutting corners? 

Have you been wondering:

  • Why is there a difference between contractors’ prices?

  • Why are some contractors more expensive than others?

  • How do contractors come up with their prices?

  • What factors affect how much a contractor charges?

  • What are contractor prices based on? 

  • How will I know if a contractor’s price is fair?

  • How can I avoid being overcharged by a contractor?

Let’s explore the factors that influence contractors’ pricing and help you make an informed decision for your project.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Should I hire a kitchen remodel contractor or do it myself?

Considering a kitchen remodel can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when deciding whether to hire a professional or tackle the project yourself. For homeowners in the New Hampshire Seacoast, this decision can be even more nuanced. 

Have you been wondering:

  • How much money can I save by doing a kitchen remodel myself compared to hiring a contractor?

  • What are the hidden costs or challenges of a DIY kitchen remodel?

  • What skills do I need to have to remodel my kitchen on my own?

  • How do I determine if my kitchen remodel project is too complex to handle on my own?

  • What are the risks of DIY kitchen remodeling compared to hiring a professional contractor?

  • Can I handle some parts of the kitchen remodel myself and hire a contractor for the rest?

  • How much time does a DIY kitchen remodel typically take versus a professional remodel?

  • How do I ensure quality and durability if I decide to remodel my kitchen on my own?

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

How Can I Maximize Resale Value When I Remodel My Home?

Have you ever wondered: How much return on investment can I expect from a home remodel? What remodeling decisions can I make to maximize my home’s resale value? How can I maximize resale value when I remodel my home? How can I maximize resale value when I remodel my kitchen?

We will answer all of these questions and tell you how our client did exactly this in a kitchen remodel.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

What Is The Difference Between A Renovation and a Remodel?

What is the difference between a remodel and a renovation? What does a bathroom remodel include? What does a bathroom renovation include?

In this article, we compare two projects: a bathroom renovation and a bathroom remodel, to illustrate the differences between a renovation and a remodel!

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

How much of my building costs are labor and how much are materials?

Have you been picking out products for your new bathroom renovation?

When you were at the store, you scribbled down the prices for these items on a notepad. Now that you know what the materials cost, are you wondering how much the labor costs will be? Do you wonder if there is a way of estimating the labor costs of a remodel based on the material costs? How can you find out what a good budget for your project will be?

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

What kind of contractor do I need for my project?

It seems like there are million different kinds of home improvement contractors. There are general contractors, subcontractors, trade contractors, remodeling contractors, plumbing contractors, painting contractors, tile contractors, etc., etc. You get what I’m saying. 

The task of sorting through the industry jargon and figuring out which type of contractor you need for your project can be frustrating for new and veteran homeowners alike. What does it all mean? Who does what? And, who do you need to hire for your project?

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Which is better: a time and materials, cost-plus, or fixed price contract?

When you’re planning a kitchen or bathroom remodel in Portsmouth, NH, one of the most critical decisions you'll face is how your contractor will bill you. Your choice in this area can significantly impact not only your budget but also your overall experience during the remodel. 

There are primarily two methods of charging for a service: a variable cost method, ie. Time & Materials or Cost-Plus. Or, a guaranteed cost method, like the aptly named Fixed Cost (also called Fixed Price). To avoid surprises, it is important to know which method your contractor will be using. 

Let's explore the different contract types—Time & Materials, Cost-Plus, and Fixed Cost—and help you decide which will be the best fit for your project.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Should I pay markup on building materials for my home renovation in NH?

Have you ever reviewed a quote or invoice from a contractor and noticed a markup on the building materials? Did you wonder why that extra charge was there? Maybe you even thought to yourself, "Is this really necessary?"

It’s totally understandable to question whether that markup is justified. After all, it feels like it’s just extra money added on top without any real benefit. But is there more to it than just the price difference?

Before jumping to conclusions, let’s take a closer look at what that markup buys you and why it might actually be saving you more than you realize. When we’re done, you will have the information you need to decide whether paying a markup makes sense or if you should be exploring other options.

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

What is the difference between an estimate, a quote, and a bid?

Contractors and homeowners alike often use the words “estimate”, “quote”, “bid” & sometimes even “budget” interchangeably, and this leads to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. What do all these terms mean? Do they all mean the same thing? What is the difference between an estimate, a quote, and a bid? Which one should you ask your contractor for?

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

How will a remodel affect the value of my home?

There are a lot of factors to consider when you are remodeling your home. One consideration is how the improvements will affect your home’s value.

How will a building project affect your home’s value? Do some projects have a better return on investment than others? Which remodeling projects will increase your home’s resale value the most? Should you consider some of these projects for your home?

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Misc. Ben Rothrock Misc. Ben Rothrock

Will our company be a good fit for you?

Contrary to what most of us (contractors) will tell you, there is no such thing as the best contractor in the area. There is no best car, best smartphone, or best meal either. Everyone is different, and we all have different needs, desires, and preferences. So the best choice of car, smartphone, or meal for one person isn’t the best choice for someone else. The choice of contractors is no different.

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