Rothrock Kitchen & Bath Remodeling | NH Renovation Experts

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What should I expect from contractors and workers during my remodel?

When you're planning a remodel, knowing what to expect from contractors and workers can make the process smoother and less stressful. From work hours to how workers interact with your home, understanding these details helps you prepare and feel more comfortable during the renovation. Have you been wondering:

  • Do contractors work on holidays?

  • Will I need to let the workers use my bathroom during the remodel?

  • How early do contractors usually start working in the morning?

  • Are contractors responsible for cleaning up after each workday?

  • Do contractors normally pay for utilities during a remodel?

  • How much should I expect my utilities to go up during a remodel?

Let’s explore these questions and more to help you understand what to expect when the remodeling process begins!

Do contractors work during the holidays?

Contractors typically observe major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day, and many choose not to work on these days. However, this can vary depending on the contractor and the stage of your remodel. If your project is on a tight deadline, some contractors might be willing to work during less widely observed holidays or offer limited hours. It’s always a good idea to discuss holiday schedules upfront with your contractor so you can plan accordingly and avoid any surprises.

Do contractors typically work on weekends?

Most contractors prefer to keep a standard Monday through Friday workweek, but weekend work is not uncommon, especially if the project is behind schedule or if you’ve requested an expedited timeline. Weekend work can also be more common in high-demand seasons or in areas where weather can be a factor. However, weekend work usually comes at an additional cost due to overtime or weekend rates. Make sure to clarify the schedule with your contractor to know whether or not weekend work is included.

Can I expect contractors to work on Saturdays?

Saturday work is more common than Sunday work and can be part of a regular workweek for some contractors, especially if the project needs to be completed quickly. If Saturday work is important to you, be sure to discuss this with your contractor ahead of time. Some contractors may be more flexible with their schedules, while others may have specific policies in place regarding weekend work.

Will I need to allow construction workers to use my bathroom during a remodel?

In most cases, yes, you will need to allow workers to use a bathroom in your home. Remodeling can be a physically demanding job, and contractors typically need access to a restroom during the workday. If you’re uncomfortable with workers using your primary bathroom, you might discuss designating a specific bathroom for their use or renting a portable toilet for the duration of the project. This is something you should clarify early on to avoid any discomfort later.

Do contractors require access to my home when I'm not there?

Contractors often require access to your home even when you’re not present, especially if the work is extensive or scheduled for early morning hours. Many homeowners provide a key or install a lockbox to allow contractors access while they’re away. Trust and communication are key here—make sure you’re comfortable with the arrangement and that you’ve discussed any security concerns with your contractor beforehand.

Should I provide water or snacks for construction workers during a remodel?

While it's a kind gesture, providing water or snacks is not necessary. Most contractors and their crews bring their own meals, drinks, and snacks to the job site. However, if you do decide to offer something, it will likely be appreciated. Remodeling is a difficult, physically demanding job, so small tokens of hospitality, like bottled water, coffee, or light snacks, are much appreciated by workers, especially on long workdays.

How early do contractors usually start working in the morning?

Contractors typically start working between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m., though this can vary based on your location and any specific agreements made. Starting early allows them to make the most of daylight hours and can be especially important in warmer climates where afternoon heat can be a factor. If you prefer a later start time, discuss this with your contractor in advance to see if they can accommodate your schedule.

How late do construction crews typically work?

Most remodeling crews wrap up their workday by 4:00 or 5:00 p.m., but this can depend on the project’s timeline and any deadlines that need to be met. In some cases, work may extend into the evening, especially if there have been delays due to weather or other unforeseen issues. It's always a good idea to discuss daily end times with your contractor so you know what to expect.

Will I need to move my furniture before the contractors arrive?

Yes, you will likely need to move furniture and other belongings out of the work area before contractors begin their work. This helps protect your possessions from dust, debris, and potential damage. Some contractors offer furniture moving services, but this often comes at an additional cost. Alternatively, you can choose to handle this yourself or hire a moving service to assist. Be sure to ask your contractor for guidance on what needs to be moved and how to best protect your items during the remodel.

Are contractors responsible for cleaning up after each workday?

Most professional contractors take responsibility for cleaning up their work area at the end of each day, though the extent of this cleanup can vary. Some may simply tidy up tools and materials, while others may perform a more thorough cleaning to minimize dust and debris in your home. It's important to clarify expectations with your contractor ahead of time. You might also ask if they include a final deep cleaning as part of the contract, or if that’s something you’ll need to arrange separately.

How much notice will I get before construction workers arrive each day?

Contractors usually provide a general schedule for when workers will arrive each day, but specific daily notifications may not always be given unless there's a change. Most contractors expect homeowners to be prepared for work to begin at the agreed-upon start time. If you require daily notifications or updates, it's best to discuss this during your initial meetings to ensure clear communication.

What should I do if I'm uncomfortable with workers in my home?

If you ever feel uncomfortable with workers in your home, it's important to address your concerns promptly. Start by speaking directly with your contractor or project manager to express your feelings and discuss potential solutions. It could be as simple as adjusting work hours or ensuring a supervisor is always on-site. Open communication is key to maintaining a comfortable and trusting relationship throughout the remodeling process.

Will I need to provide parking for the contractor's crew?

Yes, you’ll likely need to provide parking or ensure that there's adequate parking available for the contractor’s crew near your home. This is especially important if you live in an area with limited parking or strict regulations. Often, contractors need to bring larger vehicles or trailers that require a considerable amount of parking space. Discuss parking arrangements with your contractor ahead of time to avoid any logistical issues once work begins.

What happens if construction workers accidentally damage my property?

Accidents can happen during a remodel, but professional contractors should have insurance that covers accidental damage to your property. If something does get damaged, the contractor should inform you right away and work with you to repair or replace the damaged item. It's a good idea to ask your contractor about their insurance coverage and procedures for handling accidents before work begins, so you’re prepared if anything unexpected occurs.

Should I be home while contractors are working?

You don't need to be home while contractors are working, but some homeowners prefer to be present, especially during the initial stages of the remodel. Being home allows you to ask questions, monitor progress, and address any concerns immediately. However, if you trust your contractor and have good communication in place, it's perfectly fine to leave the house while work is being done. Just ensure that the contractor has access to the home and knows how to reach you if needed.

Do contractors work through bad weather?

Contractors generally try to work through bad weather, especially if the project is indoors. However, severe weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or extreme temperatures may delay outdoor work or create safety concerns. Your contractor should have a plan for weather-related delays and communicate any changes to the schedule as needed. It's important to be flexible and understanding if weather impacts your remodel’s timeline.

How do I communicate with the contractor if I have concerns during the remodel?

Clear and consistent communication with your contractor is crucial during a remodel. Most contractors prefer to have a single point of contact, such as the project manager, to streamline communication. You can typically communicate via phone, email, or in-person meetings, depending on your preference. If concerns arise, address them as soon as possible to prevent small issues from becoming bigger problems. Establishing a regular check-in schedule can also help keep everyone on the same page throughout the project.

Will workers be loud during the remodeling process?

Remodeling can be noisy, especially if the work involves demolition, cutting, or drilling. The level of noise depends on the type of work being done and the tools being used. If you’re concerned about noise, particularly if you work from home or have small children or pets, discuss this with your contractor. They may be able to adjust the schedule or provide notice before particularly noisy tasks begin.

How can I ensure the safety of my pets while contractors are working?

The safety of your pets is an important consideration during a remodel. If possible, keep pets in a separate room or area of the house that’s away from the work zone. You may also want to consider boarding your pets or having a friend or family member care for them during particularly disruptive phases of the remodel. Make sure to inform your contractor about any pets in the home so they can take precautions to prevent accidental escapes or injuries.

What kind of access will contractors need to my utilities (water, electricity, etc.) during the remodel?

Contractors will likely need access to your utilities, including water, electricity, and possibly gas, during the remodel. They may need to shut off or temporarily disrupt these services to complete certain tasks. It's important to discuss this with your contractor in advance so you can plan around any utility outages. Your contractor should give you notice before making any significant changes to your utilities.

Do contractors normally pay for utilities during a remodel?

Typically, contractors do not cover utility costs during a remodel. The responsibility for paying utility bills, such as electricity, water, and gas, generally falls to the homeowner. This is because the use of utilities is considered part of the overall cost of the remodeling project. Contractors might need to use your utilities for various tasks, including powering tools, running machinery, or supplying water for construction purposes. To avoid any surprises, it’s a good idea to discuss potential utility use with your contractor before the project begins. They should provide you with an estimate of the additional utility costs, if any, that might be expected.

How much should I expect my utilities to go up during a remodel?

The increase in utility costs during a remodel can vary based on the scope of the project and the extent to which utilities are used. While some increase in utility bills is normal, it is usually not dramatic. For instance, if your remodel involves significant electrical work, you may see a rise in your electricity bill. Similarly, water usage might increase if plumbing work is involved. To get a better idea of what to expect, discuss the specifics of your project with your contractor. They can provide insights into how their work might affect your utility consumption and help you plan accordingly.

How much more will my electric bill cost during a remodel?

The impact on your electric bill during a remodel largely depends on the type and scale of work being performed. For instance, if the project involves extensive use of power tools, temporary lighting, or running heavy machinery, you may notice an increase in your electricity usage. However, most contractors are mindful of energy consumption and strive to use electricity efficiently. On average, the increase in your electric bill is typically modest, but it’s important to monitor your usage and discuss any concerns with your contractor if you notice significant changes.

How much more will my water bill cost during a remodel?

Your water bill might see an increase during a remodel, particularly if there is extensive plumbing work or if water is used for tasks like mixing materials or cleaning. However, this increase is usually not substantial. Contractors are aware of water conservation and often work to minimize excess usage. If water usage is a concern, it’s a good idea to talk to your contractor about how they plan to manage water during the project. They can provide an estimate of how much your water bill might go up and suggest ways to keep it under control.

How much more will my gas bill cost during a remodel?

If your remodel involves modifications to gas lines or appliances, you might see an increase in your gas bill. The extent of this increase will depend on the specific work being done and how much gas is used during the process. For example, if your remodel includes installing new gas appliances or updating existing ones, your gas consumption may rise. Typically, the increase in your gas bill is not excessive, but it’s wise to discuss potential changes with your contractor. They can offer a more accurate estimate based on the details of your project and help you manage any anticipated increases in your utility costs.

What can I expect while working with Rothrock Kitchen & Bath Remodeling?

When you choose Rothrock Kitchen & Bath Remodeling for your project, our goal is to ensure your experience is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Here’s how we handle various aspects of the remodeling process:

Do you work during holidays?

We observe major holidays to allow our team to spend time with their families. If you need us to pause work for minor holidays, just let us know—we’re happy to accommodate your requests.

Do you typically work on weekends?

Our standard workweek is Monday through Friday. However, we’re flexible and can arrange weekend meetings if needed. For actual work, we focus on weekdays to keep your project on track.

Can I expect work on Saturdays?

We generally do not schedule work on Saturdays or Sundays unless it’s an emergency. We value your peace and quiet over the weekend, so we aim to complete work during the regular workweek.

Will I need to let workers use my bathroom?

We will provide a portable restroom for our workers during remodels. For shorter projects, it’s helpful if we can use your bathroom, but if you prefer not, we’re happy to arrange a portable toilet for these projects as well.

Will you need access to my home when I’m not there?

Yes, to stay on schedule, we need access to your home during working hours, typically from 8 am to 5 pm. We take security seriously and will ensure that your home is respected and secure, even if you aren’t home.

Should I provide water or snacks for the workers?

While any refreshments you offer are appreciated, it’s not necessary. Our team brings their own meals, drinks, and snacks, so you can focus on your day without worrying about feeding the crew.

How early do you start work in the morning?

We typically begin work around 8 am. If you have a preferred start time, let us know—we’ll do our best to accommodate your schedule and ensure the project progresses smoothly.

How late do you work?

Our usual end time is 5 pm, giving you your evenings back. If we need to stay later for any reason, we’ll inform you ahead of time to keep you in the loop.

Will I need to move my furniture before you arrive?

Yes, we ask that you move and protect your furniture, decorations, and valuables before we start. We’ll guide you on what needs to be moved and can arrange help if needed, though this may involve an additional fee.

Are you responsible for cleaning up each day?

Absolutely! We will clean up our work area and store our tools at the end of each day, leaving your space organized and tidy.

How much notice will I get before workers arrive each day?

We’ll give you at least one day’s notice before workers arrive. Once the project starts, we’ll set expectations for daily arrivals, but we’ll only contact you if there are changes or if you request updates.

What should I do if I’m uncomfortable with a worker in my home?

Your comfort is our priority. If you feel uneasy about any worker, please let us know right away. We’ll address your concerns and arrange for a replacement if needed, ensuring you feel safe and respected.

Will I need to provide parking for your crew?

Yes, we’ll need space for multiple vehicles, including those for materials deliveries and various trades. Adequate parking helps us work efficiently and keep the project running smoothly.

What happens if there’s damage to my property?

If any damage occurs, we’ll address it promptly. Contact us immediately, and we’ll work with you to resolve the issue, whether that means repairs or involving our insurance if needed.

Do I need to be home while you’re working?

No, you don’t need to be home. Our detailed pre-planning means we can handle the project efficiently even if you’re not around. As long as we have access to your home, we’ll take care of the rest.

Do you work through bad weather?

We continue working through most bad weather conditions, though safety is our top priority. We’ll adjust plans as needed if extreme weather makes it unsafe for our team to work or access your site.

How can I communicate with you if I have concerns during the remodel?

We encourage open communication. If you have any concerns, let us know as soon as possible. We’ll check in regularly to ensure you’re satisfied and address any issues promptly.

Will the workers be loud during the remodeling process?

Certain phases, like demolition, can be quite loud. We’ll let you know in advance if any part of the process will be particularly noisy, so you can plan accordingly.

How can I ensure my pets are safe during the remodel?

Please keep your pets secured and away from the work area. We care about their safety and want to avoid any accidents on the job site.

What kind of access will you need to my utilities during the remodel?

We’ll need access to your electrical, plumbing, and gas systems for necessary modifications. We’ll inform you ahead of time if our work impacts these systems in other areas of your home.

Will you cover the cost of utilities during the remodel?

Typically, utility costs during the remodel are the homeowner’s responsibility. We’ll use resources efficiently to minimize any increase in your utility bills.

How much should I expect my utilities to go up during the remodel?

Utility increases can vary based on the project scope. For kitchen and bathroom remodels, our clients rarely see a noticeable change in their utility bills. If we expect our work to cause a substantial increase in your bill, we’ll discuss any potential impacts with you upfront.

In summation: Trusting your remodel to professionals

Understanding what to expect from contractors and workers during your remodel can help you feel more confident and prepared. From work schedules to how to communicate your concerns, having this knowledge allows you to navigate the remodeling process with ease. Remember, open communication and setting clear expectations with your contractor are key to a successful project.

If you're considering a remodel and want to work with a New Hampshire-based team that values transparency, trust, and your needs above all else, we are here to help. Contact us today to start planning your dream space! Let's make your remodeling experience smooth and enjoyable from start to finish!